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Republic of Gabon 2010.

Project of urbanization area Franca Island Mandji (Gabon)


Gabonese Ministry of Economy.


Detailed draft of land utilization planning.


  • Parcel “F” (Port): 922 has.

  • Parcel “C” (Residential): 382 has.

  • Organizing, parceling, and occupation of land. 

  • Movement of land and road. And demolitions. Signatures, floors, and civil works. 

  • Signalization, urban furniture, and plantations. 

  • The sanitation network. Drinking water and hydrants. 

  • The telecommunications network.

  • The electric power network. 

  • Public lighting network. 

  • The gas distribution network (Somero). 

  • Used Water Treatment Station (EDAR) (Somero). 

  • Drinking Water Treatment Station (ETAP) (Somero). 

  • Electricity-producing plant (Somero).

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