Spain (Granada) 2023.
Framework contract for architecture and engineering for ski facilities in Sierra Nevada.
CETURSA Sierra Nevada
Previous and feasibility studies, projects, technical assistance, supervisions, reports.
These actions include the following: General Civil Works necessary for the renovation of infrastructures, construction or reform of ski lift buildings, restaurants, offices, car parks, hotels, or any other element; new construction works, of any kind, with special incidence in non-residential, tourist and industrial facilities; expansion, reform or rehabilitation works, with different scope, of existing buildings; Urbanization and public roadways, planning, feasibility, development, and maintenance;
Electrical and/or mechanical installations, Low Voltage (BT) and High Voltage (AT) installations, electrical substations, with power lines of up to 66 KV, transformation centers; Hydraulic infrastructures for the production of snow or human consumption; Integral water cycle; Thermal infrastructures (air conditioning), reduction of energy consumption seeking maximum efficiency.