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Arabia Saudí – Bahrein 2023.
Development of Causeway Border Island Masterplan. For King Fahd Causeway Authority (KFCA).
King Fahd Causeway Authority (KFCA)
Detailed Draft of Facilities and Urbanization.
Current area of the island: 66 has.
Final area of the island: 122 has.
Number of existing buildings: 125
Pedestrian area: 41 mi2
Lighted area for vehicles: 146.64 mi2
Fee area: 228.66 mi2 (waiting area: 240 parking spaces)
Development of the island’s urban planning.
Collection of data. Analysis of deficiencies.
Traffic and Capacity. Study of facilities.
The Environmental Study. Study of coasts and maritime works.
Study of supply and sanitation.
Study of public lighting. Study of alternatives.
Analysis of estimated cost.
Detailed design of infrastructure.
Calculation of structures. Design of BIM.
Technical assistance for the project.
Financial study of the project.
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